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Friday, January 20, 2012

Canning Chicken from Zaycon Foods

I have been buying food in bulk from a company called  Zaycon Foods  for over a year.  I have purchased 40lb boxes of chicken, 20lb boxes of bacon, 10lb boxes of steak dogs, 20lb boxes of ground steak hamburgers as well as many bushels of fruit.  The prices are lower because you are both buying in bulk, and skipping the middle man of the grocery store.  For example, the chicken is $1.49 a pound.  I have never been disappointing in the high quality, and absolutely love their system for picking up your food.  If only all grocery stores let you order online, drive-up to the truck, check you off on the order list, and then load your food into the car for you.  Heaven!
Tonight was the pick up date for my chicken order.  I had the kitchen prepared for processing before I left the house.  One entire counter was cleared of anything, the cutting board and knives were ready, and all of my jars were pre-measured with salt.  I have discovered the joy of cooking with canned chicken and decided to can all of this box since we still have many chicken breasts in the freezer from our last order.
To my surprise though,  after I carried the box into the house, my husband appeared donning his chef's jacket and went right to work cleaning the chicken breasts, cutting them and packing them into the jars.  It was great to see him make such quick work of the job with his knife skills.  I generally plan for 2 hours to prepare 40lbs of chicken, but he did it in less than an hour!

If you're interested in buying in bulk, check Zaycon out,  they have been expanding quickly and are covering the majority of the US now!

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